Sunday, April 24, 2016

An early evening in late April

An early evening in late April. Dropped off on a Sunday after a full 6 days together. As soon as I got out of the car I check the abandoned neighbor's side yard to see if the blackberries were almost ripe : many green, some pinks, a few black! Small, withered blackberries, not in good soil or with good sun, not enough water. My mom called from the backyard to speak with us, I gushed about the Renaissance Fair we had visited and proudly displayed my garland and jangly hipscarf - she remarked on it's chime-like sound.
I needed to remember to get dirt for my ivy that I rooted back at the apartment in Auburn. A hanging pot to put in the corner, the only plant I could put inside without dying. Not enough light in that place.
The air-conditioner was broken. It was cooler outside than on the in, but two fans and a glass of kool-aid would help.
Back outside we searched the neighbor's yard for more blackberries on the fence, only to be distracted by the honeysuckle that were in full bloom. We stood, next to the car, finishing off our bunch of honeysuckle together and making wishes on dandelions until it was time to go.
I stood in the driveway and waved goodbye.